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Thursday, 14 December 2023

Testing the Roman era sample from Marathon, Greece with qpAdm, f4 statistics and G25

For people wondering why Marathon on G25 appears more Levantine on Neolithic models:

1) The G25 sample has high distances because something is wrong with the cords.
2) proximal G25 model shows it identical to Roman Mugla, G25 is better at proximal modelling.
3) F4 show that Levant Sidon does not have more affinities to Marathon than Mugla.
4) qpAdm shows that it cannot be modelled with Mugla + Levantine but it can only be modelled as 100% Roman Mugla.

Conclusion: The Roman Marathon sample is almost identical or even identical to Roman Mugla:

qpAdm and F4:

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Where did the Philistines come from? G25 model

Short anwer, the DNA samples we currently have are pretty much Aegeans, mix of Greeks and West Anatolians. While archeology also says about both Aegeans and Italians of the time but Italians of that time cremated.

Long answer, to be continued, i will expand this post in the future.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Did ancient Greeks leave a genetic impact on West Anatolia? qpAdm and G25 analysis

Attempting to improve the qpAdm models from the new study: A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations

Related post: Modelling the Roman era sample from Marathon Greece on qpAdm and G25

Study: A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations

Post by Davidski about the study:

I used the reference/right populations as in that study but expanded upon them to decrease standard errors. If you have any criticism then tell me in the comments so i can improve the models.

The Balkan study didn't use a Balkan proxy for mainland Greeks even though they have a lot of Balkan Y-DNA from both sides of the Balkans, Arvanites/Albanians, Thracian etc, obviously in my models i have to take into account the Balkan admix. The models with South Slavic fit the best when rotating because they take into account the Balkan admx. They could have used a Balkan or South Slavic proxy if they added more right/reference populations + a lot of good quality Rome Imperial samples that are identical to Mugla West Anatolian samples to decrease the Standard Errors.

The "Ottoman Turkish" proxy of the study is also sus, the paper claims that it is central Asian mixed but i can't find any models showcasing how much Central Asian admix it has. My qpAdm models don't fail without Central Asian/East Asian despite using Mongolia_North_N in the reference/right pops. It seems that they might have used some very low Turkic mixed sample that is mostly Byzantine Greek and just tagged it as Ottoman Turkish. If i somehow missed their models about the Turkic admix of the "Ottoman Turkish" samples then tell me in the comments.

If you are curious about the absence of Mycenaean as a source in the qpAdm chart, please scroll down to the qpAdm reference section below for a detailed overview of the models utilized. The selection criteria prioritized models based on their P-values, with preference given to those demonstrating the highest statistical significance. Furthermore, modern Greeks scored less than 5% excess Mycenaean when using the Roman era Aegean proxy.

The Aegean proxy in my analysis consist of samples from the Roman-era Mugla in West Anatolia, along with Imperial Rome samples that are identical to those from Mugla. Furthermore, the Marathon sample from 300 AD southern Greece is identical to those samples. It scores a total of 30-50% Mycenaean admix depending on the proxies used so Mugla samples might be an actual good representative of Roman era Southern Greeks until we get more samples.

Explaining more about the Roman era Aegean proxy here:

More work will be be done on these models, i will update them in the future.

qpAdm models:

Scroll down to see all the models i ran.

Low P values (<0.01 / lower than 0.01) indicate poor fit of the tested model

Thursday, 7 December 2023

How much ancient Levantine ancestry do the Lebanese and Palestinians have? Do they have Arab ancestry? G25 analysis

If you think G25 is bad then see this: qpAdm vs G25 results

These Admixture models do not imply direct ancestry but they only show the genetic shifts towards these ancient DNA samples. Sometimes they can happen coincidentally through re-mixing with similar populations. 

The Global25 admixture charts you see below illustrate the percentage mixtures needed to get the closest match to a modern target when comparing their DNA to ancient DNA samples. In simpler terms, they show how much mixing of different ancient DNA samples is required to match the genetic profile of present-day populations. This doesn't necessarily imply a direct descent from the exact population depicted; it could instead be from a population closely related or similar to the one shown.